2013 m. rugsėjo 26 d., ketvirtadienis

and everything seems so funny you want to fight

You really got a hold on me
Paul Simon - The coast

I couldn't resist of not posting this. You see the thing is, life is just a game. I mean, seriously. Nothing in this world is too serious, all you have to do is to open your heart (and eyes), to believe, be kind and patient, don't ignore your inner voice, and play this game. It's all about improvising and not taking everything too seriously (including yourself). Then is when all the difference comes. 
Why I'm writing this? My tooth broke. Nearly into half. The closest appointment I could get was early November, and I didn't want to wait that long. So I didn't give up. Everything came into places, together with solution. I'm having my appointment tommorow morning. 
My point is, we choose. We choose to suffer more or less, to name things as good and bad, or name them as just 'things'. It's only a matter of time to realise that, to actually experience what difference that makes. Sometimes you just need your tooth to break down to make a new choice.
And I bought myself some heaths. 

2013 m. rugsėjo 23 d., pirmadienis

and then the stars come and go

Yo la tengo - autumn sweater

I'm back. Here I've already found a full moon, I was staring at the sky full of bright stars, wondering if it's ever been here like that.
I worked as The Dancing Goat, was carrying heavy boxes and thinking, I probably am a strong woman, and finally I met emotions on the streets. That simple.
All in two days.
Oh, and we got silver!

2013 m. rugsėjo 17 d., antradienis

ir niekas nebuvo surastas nei pasiklydęs

Kamanių Šilelis - Gilyn
Regina Spector - Laughing with

Sapnavau, kad pasiklydau.
Stoviu viduje lauko
O pasaulis sukasi aplink.
Šuo pavirto juodu šunimi
Aš tapau persekiotoja
ir norėjau pakeisti situaciją.

Keletą dienų prieš grįžtant į antruosius namus šiaurėje, susirgau. Vaje. Vieni sakė, dėl to, kad dar matyt nereikia grįžti, kiti, kad reikia sveikti greituoju būdu ir judėt. O man, man nebeliko jėgų, nei tų fizinių, nei kitokių, ir supanašėjau su dabartiniu vaizdu už lango. Va taip. 

 I had a dream that I got lost.
I was standing in the middle of the field
and the world was spinning around.
Dog became black
I became a chaser
and wanted to change the situation.

Just few days before going back to my second home in the North, I've got ill. Shame. Some people told there was a reason for that, maybe I don't need to leave yet, another that I must get well fast and move on. And to me, I ran out of strength, the physical, the other one, and I started to look like a scenery behind the window. True story.

ir dar ta proga valgiau ir antrą gabaliuką šio pyrago. vistiek sergu/ so I had the reason to eat second piece of this pumpkin cottage cheese cake. recipe here.

p.s. also, I found some inspiration today. This girl and her illustration are so beautiful.

2013 m. rugsėjo 9 d., pirmadienis

ooh, I won't know whether to laugh or cry

Johnny Flynn - The Ghost of O'donahue

Kažkaip šiandien nusprendžiau rašyti paprasčiau. Neturiu aš jokių 'etikečių', ar vieno rašymo stiliaus, tad ir mano įrašų gali pasitaikyti visokių. Nesakysiu, kad man nesvarbu ar blog'ą skaitys kiti ar ne, 'žiauriai' smagu, bet žinau, kad šis blog'as toks labiau man (tačiau laukiu visų skaitytojų!). Kad išgyvenčiau.
Tad šiandien paprastai. Todėl, kad pavargau, labai pavargau. Ir kažkaip lyju lyju ašarom..
Akimirkos iš praėjusių kelių savaičių:
Today somehow I've decided to write very simply. I don't have any 'labels' or one writing style, so 
my posts may vary. I'm not going to tell I don't care if anybody reads my blog or not, would be so cool if they will, however, I know this blog is more personal (don't misinterpret, I can't wait for new readers to come!). To survive.
So today very simply. Just because I'm so tired, tired of everything what requires any thinking. And I burst in tears too much nowadays..
Few moments from the last couple of weeks:

    Taikiau dailės terapiją.../ i've tried art therapy..


    man raudonų lūpų diena/ i'm having red lip day

    mūsų didžioji naujiena../our big news

    ir pagaliau naminė moliūgų latte. o džiaugsme./ and finally homemade pumpkin spiced latte. oh joy..

2013 m. rugsėjo 4 d., trečiadienis

time to bend elbows

Believe in your abilities. Stare fear in the face. 
Push yourself everyday.
And remember: You are still learning,
you don't know it all. you aren't perfect,
and sometimes you need to ask questions.
But you're unique, and vulnerability has
a beautiful strength.
Especially when you believe
you're already significant
no matter what you do.


Kuo daugiau gyvenimo.
Do life.

2013 m. rugsėjo 2 d., pirmadienis

I wanted to give love and I failed. I want to give love

Jonsi - Go Do
Lydėk mane, kad išmokčiau kaip teisingai mylėti.
Lydėk mane, kad nepasimesčiau.

Kad ir ką darytum, daryk su meile. 
Aš pažadu, bus gražu.

Leisk man tave mylėti.
Tik tiek teprašau.

'Go sing, too loud
Make your voice break- Sing it out
Go scream, do shout
Make an earthquake...'

Be thou my Vision.
Guide me in this love giving journey.

Whatever you do, do with love. 
I promise, it'll be amazing.

Let me love you.
This is all I ask.